Audience & Influencer data

  • Updated

How have you obtained this data? 

All influencer and audience metric data is based on public data available on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube obtained via API access. Based on our algorithms, we calculate different data points. We respect the privacy and security of all social network users.  For this reason, we only provide aggregated anonymised data.   

How often do you update the database?
We fully update our database on a monthly basis.  Follower count, follower charts and engagement rate data points are updated biweekly.  Any report you generate will expire within 30 days as we refresh our data. 

Which platforms do you offer audience data?

Currently, we offer audience data on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. 
We’re open to expanding, let us know what platforms you're looking for by contacting support.

What is Audience Data?

Audience data is a resource that provides you with detailed demographic & psychographic data on influencers and their audience over Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. Please note our data consists of proprietary metrics derived from estimated information and do not necessarily reflect the actual data.

What is the Engagement Rate (ER)?
ER is the average number of likes divided by the number of followers. 
We calculate ER based on the engagements gathered within the last 2 months (with a 500 post cap within this time period)  If there isn’t enough content to pull, we may take older posts (older than the 2 month period) but never more than 10 in total. 

What is Audience Credibility?
Audience credibility shows the percentage of the audience we can confirm as real people (not bots or fake)  We do this by taking into account a few factors: profile pictures, bio, descriptions, number of posts, follower vs. following ratio. 

What is brand Affinity? 

Affinity is established by analysing influencer or audience: captions, @mentions, #hashtags and location tags in the most recent 150 posts (or more if they have published more within the last 2 months) This data is then categorised into brands we have saved in our database (Nike, Walt Disney, Apple, etc.)
Within audience brand affinity data point: 
The weight of a brand is measured as a percentage of the audience showing interest in a particular brand. The affinity of a brand is a measurement of how much the audience is interested in the brand in comparison to average instagram users.  
1.0 affinity means interest levels are average
2.0 affinity means twice as interested
0.5 affinity means half as interested

What are the Audience/Influencer Interests?
We establish interests by analysing influencer and audience captions, @mentions, location tags in the most recent 150 posts (or more if they have published more within the last 2 months)
The affinity of an interest is a measurement of how much the audience is interested in a topic in comparison to average instagram users. 
1.0 affinity means interest levels are average
2.0 affinity means twice as interested 

0.5 affinity means half as interested
This data from captions, mentions etc. is categorised into interests saved in our database (Sports, Travel, Beauty, etc.)

What are Influencer popular posts?
We present a selection of the influencer’s posts that have gathered the largest amount of likes. Shown based on the likes gathered by the latest 150 posts (or more if they have published over 150 pieces of content within the last two months)

What audience data do you provide?
We provide audience data for any public account registered on Instagram, TikTok or youtube with over 1,000 followers/ subscribers. 

Can we white label the reports?
Yes! All our reports can be white labelled.  You can also add your own logo to all of the audience data reports you generate as a PDF. 
Reach out to find out about our custom plans.  

Influencer Identification
Our influencer identification tools can be found on the search and discovery page.  This allows you to search influencers by their handle directly or segment your search by our filter options.
Our Influencer pool is always growing.  Currently we have: over 133M influencers on Instagram, 110M TikTok and 8M Youtube.  
You can save your filtered search by selecting “copy search URL.” This can be shared to anyone also logged into Socialyze or saved for your own future discovery. 
We do not restrict the number of search results visible.  Based on your specific filtered search criteria, we will automatically generate all the results that align with your search queue. 

Is it possible to identify based on influencer bio?
Yes! Using our bio filter, you can discover any influencer with keywords or emojis in their bio. 
This filter is located on the search and discovery page under the filter “Key word”
Example) If you insert the word “vegan” in the bio filter, you will find 125.8K influencers who currently have this in their bio description on Instagram. 

What happens with repeated report search results and Influencer reports?
We do not charge twice for the search results that you have unlocked or exported in the same billing period.  A token will only be used for the new influencers profiles you unlock.  Once a report expires, you will require using another token to unlock the same platform and export the updated results. 

You can find influencers you have already analysed by selecting “recently analysed” in the search and discovery page.  Alternatively any search result including an influencer report you have already unlocked will appear displaying “view report” vs. “analyse.”


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